Tasks can now be triggered based on a date specified in a variable. That way all dates can be shown on the variable page. It also allows us to keep tasks and actions synchronized (i.e., we can now add Renewal Allowed actions a specified number of days before the start of the Renewal Allowed period. If the renewal allowed start date changes, so will the date that the task runs) | Various | Completed | 2025.08 |
Enhance transient capabilities to allow harbors to adjust their fees based on information about the applicant (for example, Kittery will charge different hourly dockage fees based on whether the applicant has an active mooring permit) | KitteryME | Completed | 2025.07 |
Enhancement to allow transient fees to be based on whether the applicant is a resident. For harbors that do this, the transient search screen will have a field asking for the zip code of the applicant's residence. | KitteryME | Completed | 2025.06 |
Change the handling of outstanding charges on inactive applications. Until now, when an application became inactive, we treated all outstanding balances as being uncollectable. Now, we can treat some actions as being due even if the application is inactive (for now, the only action like this is Violation). So when there is an outstanding balance on a Violation for an inactive application:
- The payment status indicator will be red instead of green
- The payment tab on the application will show the amount that is currently due (which will include Violations, but exclude any outstanding balances on other actions)
- The My Applications area on the home page will show the amount due on the Violation(s)
- When the applicant for that application tries to pay for ANY application, we will collect the outstanding balance for all violations for that applicant. | KitteryME | Completed | 2025.05 |
Phase 1 of Mobile-friendly web pages. We've updated all the public-facing pages, and the Application Summary page, so that they will work better on smaller screens. | All | Completed | 2025.04 |
Enhance berth search results page. The column that shows the number of applications linked to each berth provides more information. It now shows two numbers: the number of ACTIVE applications using that berth, and the total number of applications. This is especially useful for berths that can be used by multiple vessels at the same time. | ShelterIslandNy | Completed | 2025.04 |
Improve fee calculation handling | DanversMA | Completed | 2025.04 |
Enhance Application Summary page handling of large numbers of records. As before, when the page first loads, it only shows the first 20 records on the tabs that show multiple records (actions, payments, communications, activities). Unlike before, you only have to perform one mouse click (on a new More button) to display all the records on that tab at the same time. | Various | Completed | 2025.04 |
Fix bug in robot that caused some e-mails to go out without performing the mail merge on action-related info | danversMA | Completed | 2025.04 |
Transient Dashboard. This new dashboard is intended to show who is currently at transient berths (and who was most recently assigned), and provides all on one screen the actions needed to update what is happening, and to keep the records in synch with what is going on at those spaces. | KitteryME | Completed | 2025.03 |
Update logic for interfacing with Maine's vessel registration system (MOSES), to work with the latest version of MOSES | KitteryME | Completed | 2025.03 |
Tide tracking/estimation enhancements. 1) Since there can be a time difference between high tide at the nearest NOAA tide tracking station and at the client's location, you can now enter that difference (in minutes, either before or after) on the Tide Settings page (on the Configuration menu).
2) Since the tidal range can be different between the nearest NOAA tide tracking station and at the client's location, you can now enter a multiplier to adjust the values from the nearest NOAA station. | KitteryME | Completed | 2025.03 |
Communication improvements. When displaying date/time values, we previously only showed the date portion and not the time portion, and now we'll show the time portion if the time is not midnight. When displaying currency amounts, we'll now show $0 amounts as $0 instead of blank. In text messages, links will now show the URL in addition to the friendly text. | Various | Completed | 2025.03 |
The Quick Add button now only show actions that are visible to that client | Various | Completed | 2025.03 |
Enhance tasks to allow sending communications to staff that are on-duty. We consider people to by on-duty if they have an unfinished timesheet entry in the activity log app. | KitteryME | Completed | 2025.03 |
Improvements to the Task configuration screens. On the screen showing the list of tasks, there is now a filter that lets you filter by a partial task name. On the screen showing the task activity, the default is now to show all activity for the current day regardless of status. | Various | Completed | 2025.03 |
When copying berth groups, the formulas will reference the formulas on the berth group being copied, rather that creating duplicate sets of formulas that need to be maintained separately. | Various | Completed | 2025.03 |
Change behavior of #CancelLink# so that it actually does the cancel rather than bringing the user to the home page where they can cancel. | DanversMA | Completed | 2025.03 |
Ticket #8213 - Fix mail merge bug in situations where the e-mail was trying to display a total (using a #sum# tag), and one of the values being totaled contained a value that appeared to be in scientific notation (123e10) but wasn't | MysticCT | Completed | 2025.01 |
Ticket #8189 - Fixed bug in mail merge logic that caused some tags to not get replaced by their intended values. This would happen when an application-level mail merge tag (such as #NextRenewalFee#) appears in a template, and an application section/table appears elsewhere in the template. | BristolRI | Completed | 2024.43 |
Enhance the ability to specify variables that get used in fee and date calculations. It is now possible to define a set of variables that will be used for a specific application type. The variables can only be updated by OM staff for now, but can be viewed by people in the Approvers/Administrators group. There is now a "Draft" checkbox for each variable, which is intended to be used during the onboarding process to identify which variables have been confirmed through discussions with the client, and which variables need to be reviewed and finalized. | All | Completed | 2024.42 |
Ticket #7842 - On the transient search results screen, change the Status column to show "(Shared)" if this is a shared berth and someone else is already assigned to the berth. | HinghamMA | Completed | 2024.42 |
Hourly Dockage - provide support for considering tides when determining max drafts allowed.
This only comes into play for transient stays under 12 hours, and only if the site is configured to allow it. | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.41 |
Provide a user interface for configuration of which payment methods are supported by a client (immediate online (i.e., Stripe), deferred online (i.e., Add to Cart, InforME), and offline (check).
Also, provide a way to restrict payment options by application type. For example, Kittery normally allows offline payments, but doesn't for hourly dockage. | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.40 |
Ticket #8155 - Fix bug that caused some disabled fields to appear as hidden instead, on data entry forms. | All | Completed | 2024.39 |
Ticket #8116 - Fix bug on payment screen when editing an overpayment on a taxable item. | OldSaybrookCT | Completed | 2024.38 |
Ticket #8140 - Ensure that error messages on the Application Action screen are being displayed when appropriate | FryeIslandME | Completed | 2024.38 |
Enhancement for Hourly Dockage - on the transient search form for hourly dockage, show a drop-down list of options for how long the boater needs (for example, 30 mins, 1 hour, 2 hours). If a transient is reserved by someone in the near future (for example, by an overnight transient), limit the options in the drop-down list to the periods that are actually reservable. | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.37 |
Hourly Dockage enhancement - provide support for boaters to click on a QR code to fill out the info and make payment to use that specific mooring/dock/slip. If that berth is available now, bypass search results screen and go directly to application. | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.37 |
Provide a way for harbors to restrict where applicants need to be when they apply for certain applications. For example, enforcing that Hourly Dockage applications can only be submitted from the docks.
To do this, we've enhanced the geographic validation capabilities of the product. We've already been able to define geographic areas that are allowed/prohibited for berths, and now you can define areas that are allowed/prohibited for submitting applications. | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.36 |
Enhance the ability to perform tasks before or after an event occurs. In the past, you could only specify to run the task a certain number of days or hours before or after the event. Now, you can also specify to run the task a certain number of minutes before or after the event. | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.35 |
Improve support for short-term assignments. Allow transients to be defined that have a min/max duration specified in minutes. | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.35 |
Improvements to the fee and date calculation engine. These improvements include:
- Allowing clients to make changes to any of the numbers used in our calculations
- Allowing OM staff to use the same calculation logic in multiple situations
- Allowing OM to show information about why we calculated the amount that we did | OM | Completed | 2024.34 |
Enhance the #sum# mail merge tag, which is used to total up the amounts listed in a column inside a {table}. In this case, Kittery has itemized fees, and the display of the itemized fees prevented the #sum# tag from working properly. Now, the #sum# tag works, and totals the entire amount shown on each row in the table, and ignores the itemized fees. | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.33 |
Ticket 7996 - Error on transient search page when applicant's computer is set to use non-US date formats (such as the format in Belgium). Made enhancements to handle this situation | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.32 |
Ticket #7997 - Transient search sometimes showing transient as unavailable even when it is available. Fixed this situation. | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.32 |
Improve error logging. Record what browser the user was using at the time of the error, and the current culture set on their computer | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.32 |
Ticket #7989 - Fix problem with Berth Dashboard displaying a database security error message | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.31 |
Corrected problem with the "anytime renewal" feature, which allows applicants to submit a renewal within a certain number of days before the expiration of the previous application, and at any point after expiration. This feature now correctly determines the correct Submittal action to add to the application has been completed. | VI | Completed | 2024.30 |
Enhancements for Mooring Inspectors
- Add information to Inspection Due Report (export only) to provide information about the size/displacement of the vessel assigned to the mooring (or the maximums specified by the Provider), and what size/length/type mooring tackle to use if rules are entered by the Provider
- Allow inspectors to indicate which moorings they no longer service
- Created a Mooring Service Provider guide | All | Completed | 2024.29 |
Fixed problem doing a "Nearby" search, which was generating an error | All | Completed | 2024.29 |
Ticket 7857 - Fixed problem where blank fields were sometimes appearing on the Application Summary page, which they aren't supposed to do | GreenwichCT | Completed | 2024.29 |
Ticket #7914 - Error when assigning a berth to an application. Made changes to better handle situation and notify user what needs to be done. | HinghamMA | Completed | 2024.28 |
Text messages are now being sent out a different way than they were before.
The external service that we were using for sending text messages was going to stop working on 8/1/2024, so we migrated to a new service called Twilio Messaging.
You will notice some visible changes to outgoing texts:
- All texts will be sent from an Online Mooring phone number: 855-545-2657
- Since no one will recognize this phone number, the bottom of every text will say (from [provider name] via Online Mooring), where [provider name] will be replaced by the name that appears for your organization on your Online Mooring home page.
- All HTML formatting information will be stripped from the text
- Recipients can opt out of further texts by replying STOP
| All | Completed | 2024.27 |
On the Application Search page, the behavior of the "Change Status" filter has changed. This filter has multiple fields in it, and we've changed the behavior when you only fill in some of the fields. In the past, if you filled in anything in the "Changed By" field, the filter would be activated. Now, if you fill in the Date field, the filter is activated. This is because it is more likely that you'll want to search for things changed by anyone in a specified time period, rather than searching for changes made a particular person at any time in the past. | SouthNorwalkBoatClubCT | Completed | 2024.27 |
Ticket #7791 - resolve bug with Berth Calendar on ViewBerth.aspx | JamestownRI | Completed | 2024.26 |
Ticket #7778 - on the Berth Calendar, don't show seasonal activity on transient berths. The way we implemented this was as follows: each application type can be configured to work with a single Berth Type. If all the applications configured for a Berth Type are transient, we'll only show transient activity on the berth calendar. Similarly, if all the applications configured for a Berth Type are seasonal, we'll only show seasonal activity on the berth calendar. | KitteryME | Completed | 2024.25 |
Berth Search Results page - in the "Allowed Vessels" column, show any multi-vessel limits that are in place for the berth (max number of vessels, max combined length, or max combined beam). When linking to the berth, highlight situations where linking to the berth would exceed any of the multi-vessel limits. | ShelterIslandNy | Completed | 2024.24 |
Berth Dashboard - make sure that the % used indicator never goes above 100%, which could have happened if a berth could handle multiple vessels. | ShelterIslandNY | Completed | 2024.24 |
Berth Calendar - show pending applications on the calendar | shelterIslandNy | Completed | 2024.24 |