Reference Number: Enter a value here if you are looking for a certain reference number or permit number. You can enter a full number, or a portion of the number. For example, entering a value of "10" would find permit 10, permit 100, and so on.
Applicant Name: Enter a value here if you are looking for a permit belonging to a certain person. You can enter a full name or a portion of a name. If you enter "Smith", it will find all Smiths and Smithsons. If you enter "John Smith", it will not find a permit for "Jonathan Smith".
Applicant Phone: Enter a value here if you are looking for a permit applicant has the specified phone number. This could be useful if someone has called you, and you want to look up their information using their caller ID. You can enter a partial phone number. This will search for any matching phone number, including the applicant's home number, work number, or cell number.
Applicant E-mail: Enter a value here if you are looking for a permit applicant that has a particular e-mail address. This could be useful if an e-mail you sent out to an applicant bounced back as invalid. You must enter a complete valid e-mail address.
Boat Name: Enter a value here if you are looking for a permit for a particular boat. You can enter the full name of the boat, or a portion of the boat name.
Mooring Name: Enter a value here if you are looking for a permit for a particular mooring. You can enter the full name of the mooring, or a portion of the mooring name.
Mooring Location: If you are looking for permits in a certain area, please enter or select the location that you are interested in.
Permit Status: If you are looking for permits with a certain status, please select the status that you are interested in.
Payment Status: If you are looking for permits where a balance is due, or where no balance is due, select the appropriate option here.
Action: If you are looking for permits where a certain action was performed, or that was performed during a certain timeframe, specify the action here. Once you specify an action, the page will show a start date and an end date. If you want to limit the search to actions that occurred after a certain date, enter that date in the Start Date field. If you want to limit the search to permits that had the action before a certain date, enter that date in the End Date field.
Action Expiration: If you are looking for permits where a certain action expires during a particular timeframe, specify the type of action here. Once you specify an action, the page will show a start date and an end date. If you want to limit the search to actions that expired after a certain date, enter that date in the Start Date field. If you want to limit the search to permits that expired before a certain date, enter that date in the End Date field.
Permitted Latitude: If you want to restrict your search to permits at or near a certain latitude, enter the latitude here. Please visit the Coordinate Formats help page for more information about how to specify a coordinate. If you want to search to include permits near the coordinate you enter, enter the Coordinate Tolerance field below.
Permitted Longitude: If you want to restrict your search to permits at or near a certain longitude,, enter the longitude here. Please visit the Coordinate Formats help page for more information about how to specify a coordinate. If you want to search to include permits near the coordinate you enter, enter the Coordinate Tolerance field below.
Coordinate Tolerance: If you want to include permits that are near, but not exactly at, the Permitted Latitude or Permitted Longitude coordinates that you entered above, you can specify how close the permits need to be. You can specify the distance in feet, or a distance in degrees.
Change Status: This allows you to filter your search results based on whether any changes have been made on the application, and by whom, and when. This filter has four parts:
By - In this field, you can specify whose changes you want to see. You can enter in someone's login ID to see their changes. You can also type the word "not" to see everyone's changes EXCEPT for the login ID you specified (so, entering "not harboradmin" would show you changes that were not made by the loginID called harbormadmin). You can also use wildcards, where the "%" symbol to match any matching set of characters (so, entering "inspector_%" would show you changes made by anyone whose login ID begins with inspector_)
Type - this is a drop-down list that has two options: "since" and "not since". If you choose the "Since" option, it will search for changes made by the specified person above, since the date you will enter next. If you choose the "Not Since" option, it will search for applications where there were NO changes by the specified person since the date you will enter next.
Date - Enter the cutoff date for the changes you want to look for. We'll ignore any changes made before this date.
To - If you want to search specifically for changes made to a specific database table, you can pick that table name from the drop-down list. If you are looking for changes made to any part of the application, you can leave this field blank.